Coding Quest Contest

18th of July 2024, the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI&ML) in collaboration with The Computer Society of India organized the Code Quest Coding Contest. The event, held at the IBM Lab, was exclusively for the 4th-semester students of the AIML department and saw the enthusiastic participation of approximately 50 students. The contest featured a series of challenging coding problems, including tasks such as Left Rotation, Balanced Brackets, Jesse and Cookies, Binary Search Tree, Insertion, Password Cracker, and Journey to the Moon.

At the conclusion of the event, six outstanding students were shortlisted based on their performance. These students will now represent the AIML department in the finalroundagainstteamsfromtheDepartmentofComputerScienceandEngineering, the Department of Information Science & Engineering, and the Department of Master of Computer Applications.