MOU YUVA A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was made and entered on 03/04/2023 by and between the Yi-YUVA (YOUNG INDIANS)., and Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru. Yi youth is the strongestvehicle for India’s present and future development. Its vertical YUVA empowers passionate college students from across the country […]

MOU MODEL G20 Date: 15/5/2023Time: 1:45 PM – 3:00 PM The Model G20 is a simulated forum that aims to address the global challenges associated with climate change. In this report, we propose a framework for the Model 20 summit, which involves two parallel tracks: the finance track and the sherpa track. The discussions in […]
Poetry writing-YUVA

MOU Poetry writing-YUVA The Department of AIML organized a poetry writing competition called “Verses vs Verses” on May 18, 2023. The students were given an hour to write a poem on the topic of “StrengtheningDemocracy through Youth Participation.” The competition was judged by a panel of three expertsin the field of poetry and literature. The […]
Social Media Campaign Yuva

MOU Social Media Campaign Yuva The Department of AIML organized a Social media campaign on the theme “How can a country move towards a more strong and inclusive democracy? And Role of Youth in Strengthening and Deepening Democracy.” on May22, 2023. This Social Media Campaign brought students from all walks of life to share their […]