Expert Talk On Apiculture

Event Description:
Department of AI & ML has taken an initiative to conduct expert talk for VI semester students (Batch 2020). He has explained how the Bee-keeping industry also plays an important role in increase in yield of crop through pollination. The industry plays important role to create employment opportunities among rural mass. This also helps students to think, analyse and solve the problems based on apiculture using AI&ML. Mr. Prashanth Reddy has invited two batches for the Gandhi Krishi Vigyana Kendra (GKVK) Research and Development Programme to work on models by using the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques which will be useful for Apiculture farming.
Event Initiated and conduction details:
Event was conducted on 31st March 2023(10:00am to 12:30pm)
Mode of conduction: Offline mode.
Faculty coordinators: Sonia Maria D’Souza
Senior Assistant Professor.
Total number of students :73
Prashanth Organics is a firm executed by Batlahlli Mr. Prashanth Reddy.
The organization is established with the vision to serve healthy foods to the consumers. He says that he doesn’t believe in look and feel of the food and the taste of the food we have. what actually keeps us healthy is taking care of our body well which definitely need a healthy and unadulterated foods.
His main intention with his organization is very clear in serving healthy foods to the customers. Also enable the employment opportunities in the rural sector which will definitely empower and develop the rural areas.
The milestone was started in the year 2018.First chemical free crop was carrot and red rose onion. First efficient market mobilization was held at the year 2020.He received Best Youth Farmer Award in the year 2020 from GKVK Bengaluru in Krushi Mela.
Empower natural cultivating methods and motivate farmers to grow healthy chemical free food.
Mission: Serve healthy foods to mankind , Empower rural sector and create market opportunities to farmers.
Values: They are committed to serve healthy foods. Even if it is less in production, they serve it healthy.