FDP on Deep Learning Techniques

Dte: 25-02-2023
Time: 9:00AM to 5:00PM
An FDP entitled “Deep Learning Techniques” was held on 25th February 2023 by Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in association with Quality Assurance and Skill Development Centre in IBM lab. The resource person of the FDP was Mrs.Priyanka Kanupuru, Data Scientist, Applied Materials. The FDP was inaugurated by Dr. N. V. Uma Reddy HOD, AIML by welcoming all the distinguished guests Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Dean QASDC, resource person and the participants of the FDP.
The resource person was felicitated with a small token of appreciation by Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Dean QASDC . The FDP provided insights on Deep Learning Techniques, Tools and Algorithms that can be used for processing large image dataset. A hands-on session was provided in which participants implemented different algorithms for generating the dataset as well as processing it. Th resource person gave inputs on various deep learning applications that are used in industry. She also shared her experience of the industry project where deep learning was used for defect detection in products.
The participants got a very good insights on deep learning algorithms and their applications. The FDP was concluded by a valedictory function in which participants gave their valuable feedback and a vote of thanks was proposed by HOD-AIML