Event Description:
Department of AI & ML has taken an initiative to conduct industrial visit for the 5th semester students (Batch 2020). Students are taken to industries to broaden their thoughts on how the industries are working and how can they solve the problems faced in industries using
AI&ML. This helps the students to think, analyse and solve the problems. Students were taken to BEML LIMITED for industrial visit.
Event Initiated and conducted detail:
Event was conducted on 20th December 2022 (9:30am-1:00pm).
Mode of Conduction: Offline Mode
Faculty Coordinators: Sonia Maria D’Souza, Senior Assistant Professor
Shruthi S , Assistant Professor
Total number of students: 68
BEML Limited (formerly Bharat Earth Movers Limited) was established in May 1964 as a Public Sector Undertaking for manufacture of Rail Coaches & Spare Parts. There are totally 4 branches i.e Mysore, Bangalore, KGF, Palakkad. BEML is a premier, Metro car manufacturer
in the country. BEML was the first company in India to manufacture all Steel Integral Passenger Rail Coaches and other rolling stock to meet the requirements of Indian Railways. Based on the experience in Rail Products for over 50 years, BEML has ventured into manufacturing state of the art Stainless Steel Metro cars since 2002 onwards. BEML Limited’s Rail Coach situated in Bangalore. India is the first all steel integrated rain coach factory established by Government of India During 1948. During the implementation of the first urban transit project by DMRC for its Phase-1, BEML and Rotem signed a Technical Collaboration Agreement during 2002 and BEML became the first to indigenously manufacture Metro Cars for DMRC RS1 Contact and manufactured 220 nos. Metro cars.
Later, in order to indigenize the manufacture and integration of Metro train sets, BEML obtained a developmental order from DMRC to develop 8 nos. intermediate cars. The successful completion of this developmental order strengthened BEML as an indigenous source for Metro cars The students were given an introduction about BEML and its different branches which are situated across India. Later the students were split into a batch of 25 students. Each batch of students were taken to different sectors where they were able to visualize and analyse the making and working of metro and rail coaches. The instructors briefed the students about the manufacturing of the parts and how they are assembled and where students can implement AI. It was an very informative session which helped students know more about rail and metro and its manufacturing stages