Parent- Teacher Meeting | 10/11/2023,Friday

Venue: IBM LAB
Date: 10/11/2023.
Department of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning conducted second Parent-Teacher meeting for the academic year 2023-2024/Odd for final year students on 10/11/2023,Saturday at IBM lab of AIML department. Dr. N V Uma Reddy , HOD, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning was addressed the gathering.
Brief on Meeting:
Dr.Uma Reddy N.V., HOD, Dept of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning greeted everyone and explained the activities conducted by the department. The faculty members of the department were present in the room. Various activities conducted by the department has been discussed. Regarding attendance,placements and further job opportunities also been discussed. The meeting was ended with open discussion. Parents raised the doubts regarding internships and placements. Mentors, class teachers and HoD addressed all the queries and the parents were satisfied and expressed their gratitude . The parents were treated with high tea and they were directed to meet in person concern mentors of their ward. Some photographs taken in registration and mentor -parent session is included below.