Workshop on “Altair Tool Usage”

Date: 11/11/2021
Time: 9 AM – 5 PM
The Workshop on “Altair Tool Usage” was organised to the faculty of NHCE to provide the hands-on experience on Altair Monarch & Altair workstation usage for model building. Dr. Uma Reddy, HOD, AIML welcomed resource person, participants to the workshop and also explained about the importance of the session. Resource person Mr. Subhojyoti, Data Scientist, Altair Engineering, started the session by briefing about the Altair University and the online courses offered for the students by Altair University. He also explained about how important to become a data scientist, skills to be acquired and how Monarch tools helps in model building for data analytics. Post lunch session he gave the hands-on experience of Monarch tool to all the faculty members. The program was concluded by explaining about various features available in Monarch tool and it’s usage. This program is a hands-on experience for faculty members to understand and use the Altair Tools.