Workshop on “Metacognitive Teaching Learning Process Using ICT Tool”

Date: 1909/2022 To 21/09/2022
Time: 10:00AM To 4:30PM
Quality Assurance and Skill Development Center in association with Department of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning organized an FDP entitled “Metacognitive Teaching Learning Process Using ICT Tool” from 19th to 21st September 2022. The resource person of the FDP was Dr.Kendaganda Swamy, Assistant Professor , Dept of E&I, R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore conducted a session on ICT tools and its needs in Teaching learning Process which was followed by a hands on session in which faculty members learned and created own websites for their respective subjects. Session was conducted on how to create different pages and how to upload documents like lesson plan, CIE Question papers etc. Moreover different quiz platforms were demonstrated during the session. After the successful participation of the program, faculty members gained knowledge regarding different ICT tools, the need and importance of ICT tools in Engineering Education and how to use ICT tools in the teaching learning practice.