Workshop on “Problem Solving Skill”

Date: 13/11/2021
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:50 PM
The One day workshop on Problem Solving Skill was organised to the II year students to introduce them to the different types of problems in the real world. Dr. N.V Uma Reddy, HoD, Department of AI & ML, welcomed the students and briefed about the importance of the problem solving in placement activities. Prof. Bhargava R started the activity by briefing the steps to be followed for the to enhance the problem solving ability. He has also solved many real-world problems asked in various placement drives. In the post lunch session, students were asked to solve different problems by deriving simple mathematical model. The program was concluded by sharing various tips and few problems for their further practice. This program was a thought provoking session for the students to enhance their problem solving ability and also programming skills.