ED Cell Awareness

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS ED Cell Awareness The Seminar on “ED Cell Awareness” was organised to the II year students to create awareness among the students about importance of Entrepreneurship and Development. Dr. Sheelan Mishra, Head, ED Cell, welcomed the students and briefed about the importance of the ED cell and it’s practices. She also explained about how important […]
Lecture Series On Innovative Research “Project Writing & Funding Oppurtunities

SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS Lecture Series On Innovative Research “Project Writing & Funding Oppurtunities Event conduction details: DATE: 08th Nov 2023TIME: 2:00-4:00 PMVENUE: Tejas Seminar Hall , NHCECoordinators: R S SyamDev,Sr.Assistant Prof. AI&ML, Dr.P.Adhikary,Professor & Associate Head-R&DConvenors : Dr.Uma Redddy N V ,Professor & HoD, AI&ML, Dr.Revathy V ,Professor & Dean R&DTotal number of participants : 50 […]
Mentorship Session on Ways to Atmanirbhar Bharat: A Credible Pathway to Startup and Entrepreneurship

STUDENTS ACTIVITIES Mentorship Session on Ways to Atmanirbhar Bharat: A Credible Pathway to Startup and Entrepreneurship Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, in association with New Horizon Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (NHCIIE) and Institution’s Innovation Council (NHCE-IIC) has planned for an Mentorship Session entitled “ Ways to Atmanirbhar Bharat: A Credible Pathway […]
Parents and Teacher Meeting

STUDENTS ACTIVITIES Parents and Teacher Meeting Venue: IBM LAB Date: 13/05/2023. Agenda: Department of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning conducted second Parent-Teacher meeting for the academic year 2022-2023/Even third year students on 13/05/2023,Saturday at IBM lab of AIML department. Dr. N V Uma Reddy , HOD, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning was […]

PTM PARENT- TEACHER MEETING Venue: IBM LAB Date: 12/08/2023. Agenda: Department of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning conducted Parent-Teacher meeting for the academic year 2022-2023/Even for IVth semester students on 12/08/2023,Saturday at IBM lab of AIML department. Dr. N V Uma Reddy , HOD, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning addressed the gathering . […]
Parent- Teacher Meeting | 10/11/2023,Friday

PTM Parent- Teacher Meeting | 10/11/2023,Friday Venue: IBM LAB Date: 10/11/2023. Agenda: Department of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning conducted second Parent-Teacher meeting for the academic year 2023-2024/Odd for final year students on 10/11/2023,Saturday at IBM lab of AIML department. Dr. N V Uma Reddy , HOD, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning was […]

MOU MODEL G20 Date: 15/5/2023Time: 1:45 PM – 3:00 PM The Model G20 is a simulated forum that aims to address the global challenges associated with climate change. In this report, we propose a framework for the Model 20 summit, which involves two parallel tracks: the finance track and the sherpa track. The discussions in […]
Poetry writing-YUVA

MOU Poetry writing-YUVA The Department of AIML organized a poetry writing competition called “Verses vs Verses” on May 18, 2023. The students were given an hour to write a poem on the topic of “StrengtheningDemocracy through Youth Participation.” The competition was judged by a panel of three expertsin the field of poetry and literature. The […]
Social Media Campaign Yuva

MOU Social Media Campaign Yuva The Department of AIML organized a Social media campaign on the theme “How can a country move towards a more strong and inclusive democracy? And Role of Youth in Strengthening and Deepening Democracy.” on May22, 2023. This Social Media Campaign brought students from all walks of life to share their […]
Workshop on “Metacognitive Teaching Learning Process Using ICT Tool”

FDP Workshop on “Metacognitive Teaching Learning Process Using ICT Tool” Date: 1909/2022 To 21/09/2022 Time: 10:00AM To 4:30PM Quality Assurance and Skill Development Center in association with Department of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning organized an FDP entitled “Metacognitive Teaching Learning Process Using ICT Tool” from 19th to 21st September 2022. The resource person of the FDP […]