Workshop on “MYSQL”

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Workshop on “MYSQL” Date: 27/05/2022Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM The program was organized for the students to understand the importance of MYSQL. Dr.N.V.Uma Reddy, HoD – Department of AI & ML welcomed the participants by addressing the significance of the talk. Mr. Bhargava R, Sr. Assistant Professor, was the speaker for the […]
Student Induction Program

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Student Induction Program Date: 07/11/2022Time: 09:30 AM – 04:30 PM Department of AI & ML has taken an initiative to conduct the Student Induction Program for the Batch of 2022. At the beginning of every academic session, Student Orientation Program is held for fresh students. Students are given information about Syllabus, examination system, […]
“Basic Hardware and Networking/Trouble Shooting”-

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES “Basic Hardware and Networking/Trouble Shooting”- Date: 11/11/2022 To 12/11/2022Time: 09:30 AM – 04:30 PMCoordinators: Prof. Sonia Maria D’Souza and Prof. S Gunasekaran,Sr. Asst.Professors Department of AI&MLResource Person: Melvin Raja A,Lab Instructor, AI&ML An event about “Basic Hardware and Networking/Trouble Shooting” was organized on 11th November 2022 to 12th November 2022 for the III Semester students of AIML department. The resource […]

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES INDUSTRIAL VISIT- BEML LIMITED Event Name: “INDUSTRIAL VISIT- BEML LIMITED” Event Description:Department of AI & ML has taken an initiative to conduct industrial visit for the 5th semester students (Batch 2020). Students are taken to industries to broaden their thoughts on how the industries are working and how can they solve the problems faced […]
Expert Talk On Apiculture

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Expert Talk On Apiculture Event Description: Department of AI & ML has taken an initiative to conduct expert talk for VI semester students (Batch 2020). He has explained how the Bee-keeping industry also plays an important role in increase in yield of crop through pollination. The industry plays important role to create employment […]
Industrial Visit Report On Varahi Underground Powerhouse

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Industrial Visit Report On Varahi Underground Powerhouse A complete report on an industrial visit organized by New Horizon college of Engineering, for the students of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Engineering [6th SEM] in order to get the practical knowledge about advanced technology used in the generation of “High Voltage Current using Hydro-Electric” Index: […]

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AI IN HEALTHCARE The co-curricular club of the AIML department, EVOLVE.AI conducted an event, Artificial Intelligence in HEALTHCARE, which was an Inter-Department event consisting of two rounds. The event was open to all students and faculty of the college. The speaker was Mr. Priyank Shrivastava, a renowned expert in the field of artificial intelligence and its […]
Workshop on C++

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Workshop on C++ Department of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning had organised a peer learning session on C++. Upon receiving the feedback from students that C++ is also needed for their placements along with Python and Java which they are already familiar, It would be beneficial for them to start learning C++ as […]
Expert Talk on the Importance and Usage of DevOps in the IT Industry

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Expert Talk on the Importance and Usage of DevOps in the IT Industry The Department of AI & ML had organized an expert talk on 20th June, 2023 for the IV semester students on the topic “Importance and Usage of DevOps in IT industry. The guest speaker for the day was Prof. Venkatesh Prasad, Associate […]
Talk on Higher education and its oppurtunities.

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Talk on Higher education and its oppurtunities. Event Description: Department of AI & ML has taken an initiative to conduc ta talk on Higher Education and its oppurtunities and how it is important for the students. The speaker explained about higher education exams like GMAT, GRE, TOEFL. He also explained about how to […]