Orientation Programme for 3rd Semester

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Orientation Programme for 3rd Semester Venue: Falconry Seminar HallDate: 25th October 2023 On October 25, 2023, the orientation program for the incoming 2023-24 batch unfolded with a sense of enthusiasm and warmth. Dr. Sowmya H. K, in her welcome address, set the tone for the day, extending a gracious welcome to the new students. […]

Industrial Visit to Robert Bosch

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Industrial Visit to Robert Bosch On 06th November 2023, the students of AIML 5th and 7th semester visited ‘Robert Bosch’ located in Electronic City Road, Naganathapura, Bangalore. The objective of the industrial visit was to provide students with an insight about the implementation of AI defect inspection system in prototype testing equipment. Students […]

International Education tour to Germany

CLUB ACTIVITIES International Education tour to Germany International Trip!!!!! Europe Country !!!!…….. Global Students of New Horizon College of Engineering along with faculty members started their International trip to Germany on 1st February 2017. We prayed Lord Ganesha for a safe and successful trip and departed to Kempegowda International Airport by bus. After check-in formalities, […]

Orientation Program for 2nd year students

CLUB ACTIVITIES Orientation Program for 2nd year students Date:4/10/2021Time: 09:30 AM to 03:30PM The Orientation program was organised to the II year students to introduce them to the Currents trends in Artificial intelligence. Dr.N.V Uma Reddy, HoD, Department of AI & ML welcomed the students and introduced them to the Vision and Mission of the […]

Inauguration of Technical Club and Technical Talk

CLUB ACTIVITIES Inauguration of Technical Club and Technical Talk Date: 12/11/2021Time: 10:30 AM – 1 PM The Department of Artificial Intelligence has inaugurated the technical club named “brAInIAcs” in the presence of Dr.Manjunatha B, Principal, Dr.Amarjeet Singh, Dean Academics, Dr. Anitha Rai, Dean-Library, Dr. N V Uma Reddy, HoD, Dept. of AIML, faculty members and […]


CLUB ACTIVITIES Vas-codeA-game Date: 09/12/2021Time: 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM The word “Vas-CodeA-Game” derived from Vasco da Gama, who was a sailor and explorer during the Age of Exploration. The motive of this event is to develop various AI&ML related technical skills in students by helping them explore current trends in the technical and professional […]


CLUB ACTIVITIES Kill-A-Byte Date:22/4/2022Time: 09:30 AM to 04:00PM The technical club of the AIML department, BrAInIAcs conducted the event, Kill-A-Byte, which was an Inter-Department level event consisting of multiple technical rounds. The rounds in this event are inspired by the algorithms used in machine learning and one such round was based on how neural network […]

Mega Minds

CLUB ACTIVITIES Mega Minds The technical club of the AIML department, Brainiacs conducted an event, Mega Minds, which was an Inter-Department level event consisting of multiple technical rounds. This event aimed to develop various AI&ML-related technical skills in students by helping them explore current trends in the professional and industry-level fields. The requirements were fundamental […]

Inauguration of C0-curricular club Evolve.AI

CLUB ACTIVITIES Inauguration of C0-curricular club Evolve.AI Date: 01/07/2022 To 01/07/2022 Time: 10:30am To 1:00pm The need for co-curricular activities in the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning was met by the pompous and grandeur of the students through the second club in the Department, a co-curricular club- EVOLVE.AI. The club was inaugurated on July 1st 2022, […]


CLUB ACTIVITIES Inception Date: 16/11/2022 To 16/11/2022 Time: 10:00am To 4:00pm The co-curricular club of the AIML department, EVOLVE.AI conducted an event, Inception, which was an Inter-Department level event consisting of multiple technical and non-technical rounds. The event was based on general and technical knowledge to test the acumen, mettle, and dancing skills of all the participants. […]